This is not an anti-romance rant, I promise. I have never turned my nose up at a heart-felt dozen red roses from a lover or special friend. They have come to symbolize the highest form of affection and emotional validation.

But come on, people. How many people (primarily women) really really love red roses? They don’t even smell like real roses, they don’t match the décor, and, of course, they don’t last! Plus, they are not the most original or personalized gift one could give someone dear to you.

In this day and age, what is worth more than a million red roses? TIME. Time to catch your breath and SMELL THE ROSES.

Yes, that’s what we all really want. Just time to live, eat, walk the dog, see a friend, read a book, appreciate our home, really pay attention to our kids, muck around in the garden, or even tackle a growing household mess.

So if you want to give a really loving gift this Valentine’s Day, let’s think outside the (chocolate) box.

Now as a professional organizer I am duty-bound to roll out the overused adage: people remember experiences more than things. In large part, this is true. Certainly, that applies if you compare a dozen red roses with, let’s say, … a night at a special restaurant or getting all dressed up and going to see a show.

But I’m talking about giving a gift you feel good about because you know how much it will mean to the recipient of your gift. To the degree said gift can be more experiential than material – all the better – and if it is sustainable too, that’s a net plus.

What makes a truly wonderful gift?

For starters, think about what your loved one longs for. Is it a dozen red roses or yet another pair of earrings or a V-neck sweater? No, it’s probably a self-care fantasy, starting and finishing a project, or finally getting something knocked off the To-Do list. The kinds of things that we know in our heart have a big payoff but can never find the time or mental bandwidth to actually follow through and do.

For example. Clean out the garage so you can park your car(s) in there and find the camping gear without everything falling on your head. Getting all your old photos and videotapes digitized so you can make albums or view precious home movies AND clear out the clutter using up precious space. What do you fantasize about? Probably NOT about having a new bathrobe, but about being able to FIND the one you already have in your over-stuffed closet.

So if you’re with me so far, (and BTW if you or your loved one have a tradition of beautiful red roses, by all means you can never go wrong with them and no value judgment here), here are a few suggestions that go beyond the “massage and manicure” gift certificate. Again, think LONG-TERM, HIGH-IMPACT value.

We’ve done the research so you don’t have to!

Memories last forever. That’s why they call them memories. So think about taking your all-time favorite photo of the two of you and turning it into a canvas to hang or placing in a beautiful frame and putting by the bedside (add a single red rose for effect). Tell your love story – pull off those pics from your phone and use a simple app to make a sweet book. Trust me, it is super simple and fun. Kids’ artwork that’s collecting dust for who-knows-what future purpose. Send it off to be turned into a book so you can ditch the originals, and give to each child when they grow up. Each of these ideas is a two-fer! Reduce clutter AND capture loving, beautiful memories to be appreciated every day. Forever.

Sensory experiences that last all year long. Wine lover? Give a monthly wine subscription. A gardener? Give a spring box filled with plants native to your state – the birds will LOVE you too! Throw in a few cool tools and a gift certificate for YOUR services to help dig a new flower bed. Someone obsessed with grilling. No problem, we gotcha. Create a love song playlist. A coffee addict? Easy peasy.

And if the best gift you could give a best friend, boyfriend, neighbor-in-need, an adult child or your significant other is the gift of time, consider a gift certificate for a professional organizer to come in and make a dream come true. Just about every single adult I know wishes for a fairy godmother to swoop in with a magic wand and make their organizing challenges disappear!

There are exponential benefits to reducing clutter and creating more free time, more free space, and more peace of mind. Space looks, feels and functions better. There is science to show it even improves mental focus, physical health, and love relationships. What better way to celebrate a loved one on Valentine’s Day!

With all due respect and deference to those millions of dozen red roses getting ready to do their thing on February 14th, try one of these ideas or come up with your own this year and see what blooms.